
Owning a PSTC franchise provides you with the advantage of working from a proven business model, using procedures that have been perfected over time, and benefiting from the experience of others.

A tried and tested formula with a proven track record and the name of a leading recognized institution combine to create a Franchise Opportunity which promises exceptional returns and incredible possibilities.

PSTC delivers all theory modules for both Modular and University programs using fully interactive live deliveries through modern technologies. This enables local Study Centers to concentrate on resources only for practical and LAB deliveries there by optimizing on valuable resource costs and overcome availability issues. We ensures that even the remotest of the locations are connected to the Best in Class Certified Faculty.

PSTC has always been committed to organized, professional and streamlined approach to providing education. PSTCs system of education has been developed and perfected to such a degree that it is now easy to transfer this knowledge and experience via franchise program.

As a PSTC Franchisee, not only you will have instant access to methods, materials and affiliations, but also gain instant brand recognition as a reputed training institute.